Sunday, 29 March 2015

Dress: New Look
Flower Garland: Primark
Bindi: Etsy
Eye Makeup: Sephora/Mac/Sleek
Lipstick: Macs Velvet Teddy
 It has been a little while since I've managed to get round to uploading another blog post, mostly due to the fact that Uni is going past at a crazy speed right now. Since forcing myself to break out of my happy routine of an early start being '10am' I am now having to wake up and run out of the door at 8.30 to try and get as much out of studio time as possible. This means I have no time to take photos in the morning when I look half decent and in the evening my time is split between netflix/my sketchbook/food/the library.
Yesterday I got the chance to go into London with the beautiful Abby ( and we spent our time shopping, drinking cocktails, and eating krispy kremes. It was so nice to leave alot of problems that have been playing on my mind recently back in Coventry and just go and have fun for a day. As much as making this collection for my Final Major is scary and stressful and at times seemingly impossible I feel I've very VERY slowly got to the stage where I'm enjoying creating my drawings into fabric and its exciting watching everything start to come together. The thing that worries me the most at the moment is the big question 'Who are you going to be after uni?'.
I guess my biggest hope is that the answer to that question ends up to be 'Happy' ^.^


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